socialclub: hasherbcn
24€/g Barabara Bud ( 9 / 10 )
16€/g Orangina ( 8 / 10 )
14€/g Apricozz ( 7 / 10 )
8€/g Lemon cake ( 6 / 10 )
socialclub: hasherbcn
24€/g Barabara Bud ( 9 / 10 )
16€/g Orangina ( 8 / 10 )
14€/g Apricozz ( 7 / 10 )
8€/g Lemon cake ( 6 / 10 )
Some WPFF 70-120u from Melted.
Strain:Tang Hook
Superb formatted! This is really nice information! 😄 I really dig how the prices are listed.
I wouldve loved to try that ICC bubblehash and Mimishi LSO! 😍